December 06, 2009

Pancake Astronaut, Forgotten Bar, Berlin, Germany, December 11, 2009

Paula Doepfner, Surya Gied, Gilbert Hsiao, Katja Kollowa, Ellen MacDonald, Alfons Pressnitz, Giles Tyder, Christina Stockhofe, Martin Walk, Tim Stapel, Benedikt Terwiel, Bastian Vogel, Sinta Wener, Jakob Zoche

Curated by Surya Gied

Untitled, 42 cm x 22 cm, acrylic on wood, 2009

August 10, 2009

August 08, 2009

SNO 51, Sydney Non Objective, Sydney, Austrailia, August 1-August 30, 2009

John Aslanidis, Gilbert Hsiao and Susie Rosmarin

Click here for installation shots

May 06, 2009

Kosmos, IS Projects, Leiden, The Netherlands, June 6-July 5, 2009

Brent Hallard, José Heerkens, Gilbert Hsiao, Caroline de Lannoy and Giles Ryder

New York Foundation for the Arts Benefit Auction, May 4, 2009, New York, NY